Reiki Training and Certification in Boston, MA

Interested in learning to become an energy work practitioner? These Reiki training and certification classes in Boston, MA for Usui Reiki Level I, II, and III may be a match for you!

About Your Reiki Teacher

My name is Lillie, and I’ve been a Reiki practitioner since 2018, and am certified at the Master level in Usui, Kundalini, and Holy Fire Reiki. I’ve done hands-on work with hundreds of clients from all backgrounds over the years, and also have the unique pedagogical experience of having been a public school teacher since 2003 — so your classes will be interactive and enriching!

Why study Reiki with me? See reviews and testimonials from clients here to learn more about my work — specifically, expertise in chakra balancing, life coaching, and aura colors through Reiki.

My passion is to help every learner reach their full potential by providing a safe yet exhilarating community for wonderful self-expression and growth. I strive to provide a nourishing, positively life-changing experience for everyone in the class — and to help students connect with each other, as well, to foster continued mutual support in our energy work paths.

Reiki training and certification
Reiki training and certification in Boston with Lillie.

Reiki Level I and II Trainings

Ready to start your Reiki certification journey? The prerequisite for Reiki I and II trainings with Lillie is to schedule a one-on-one hour-long Reiki session with her to first experience her technique as a client, in order to understand the broader context. Once that is complete, you’ll let Lillie know if you are still interested in doing Reiki training, and she will provide registration information for certification classes.

Reiki I and II certification trainings take place in Lillie’s Boston, MA studio in Jamaica Plain and run from 10am to 3pm (with a one-hour lunch break) on two Sundays, and include workbooks, history, attunements, symbols, instruction in hand placements, and excellent interactive practice time to give and receive newly-learned techniques. Classes are capped at ten participants. Required materials include: a water bottle, yoga mat, pencil and paper, a clean flat sheet, and any pillows desired for comfort in floor sitting.

The tentative next Reiki I and II certification training will take place Sunday June 9 (Level I), and Sunday June 16 (Level II), 2024. Pricing is $250 for Reiki I, and $300 for Reiki II. When purchased together, both classes are priced at a discount at $500. Upon request, additional dates or geographical locations may be added. For more information, questions, or to express interest, please contact Lillie.

If you’re interested in a group “Reiki taster class” that is not full certification training, you may alternately want to consider a group Reiki workshop. For events or larger groups that want a Reiki experience, education, and interactive energy work activities, you might also be a match for Lillie’s business, office, conference, and corporate wellness events.

Reiki Training for Level III (Master) Certification

Six months of practice after completing Reiki I and II training, you may apply for Reiki Level III (Master) training and certification. Please contact Lillie for more information. I look forward to working with you!